Neon Hope (Saturday Review)

It seemed like a normal day until you listened to the voice message from your friend. It sounded urgent and like their life was in danger. They wanted to meet you at this club. You tried to call them back to find out more, but nobody answered. You started to worry and fear the worst, but you plucked up your courage. You just wished there still was Neon Hope by Francesco Grothe and Dominik Schönleben from Hopeful Games with illustrations from Robert Herzig and Consuelo Pecchenino.

Trick of the Rails (Digital Eyes)

It is the golden age of American railways. Rail stocks are all the rage, with new companies flooding the stock market all the time. The stakes are high, but you want to have a slice of the pie. The returns look great and investors get a say on a company's track-laying. To make it big, you have to be clever and know the Trick of the Rails by Hisashi Hayashi from Grok Games with illustrations from Ann-Sophie De Steu and Diego Sá.

Death Valley: Highs & Lows (Saturday Review)

We were on a road trip. As our car was eating the miles, our journals and scrapbooks were filling up with photos, postcards and other souvenirs that would later remind us of the wonderful time we had. We were exploring towering peaks and massive canyons as we were making our way through this amazing desert, always being mindful of hazards. We loved every moment as we traversed Death Valley: Highs & Lows by Kevin Ellenburg from Button Shy with illustrations from Fachri Maulana.

Senjutsu: Battle for Japan (Saturday Review)

Feudal Japan is in turmoil. The collapse of the ancient authority of the Ashikaga Shogunate has plunged the country into a brutal civil war, known to history as the Sengoku Jidai. Clans clash in a relentless struggle for power and prestige. Now it is your turn to enter this bloody conflict as a great warrior. This is Senjutsu: Battle for Japan by Paul D. Allen and James Faulkner from Lucky Duck Games with illustrations from Imad Awan and Raben White.

Creature Caravan (Saturday Review)

The land of Arzium is facing a new threat. Ember Zombies have left their volcanic lands to the north and are walking through the previously peaceful lands that we call our home. You can easily recognise them with their charcoal bodies. Yet, there is hope. The city of Eastrey offers a safe haven for the creatures that are threatened by the malicious fire fairies. Everyone must make their way across deserts and plains, over mountains and through deep canyons and seek refuge, picking up other wandering creatures along the way, to join their Creature Caravan by Ryan Laukat from Red Raven Games with illustrations from Ryan Laukat.

The Six of VIII (Saturday Review)

Passions flamed and power waned. Divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived. First Catherine of Aragon, who had the most time to establish loyal supporters and powerful allies, then Anne Boleyn, queen for less than a year. They were followed by Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Howard and Katherine Parr. These were The Six of VIII by Carol LaGrow from New Mill Industries.

Immersive Thematics – board games that draw you in (Topic Discussion)

I love a good game with an atmospheric setting. I want to feel the cold as my meeples climb up the mountain, hear the bees as I place my apple tree hexes in my cider orchard, smell the smoke and the grease when my trains operate or see the next station that my underground train enters. A game that whisks you away and fully immerses you in another world for an hour or two or three is truly awesome. In this article, I want to look at a few that do it for me.

Thematic Mismatch – how board game themes can help or hinder (Topic Discussion)

I have always felt that the theme or setting of a game can really help with learning it. In a game about the Spice Routes, for example, it will be instinctively clear why there are mechanisms to exchange resources of different types with each other or for money. After all, that's what the spice trade was mainly about. However, a game's theme or setting isn't necessarily useful. Sometimes it can be a hindrance. In this article, I want to look at this a bit more closely.

Stamp Swap (Saturday Review)

Rejoice, my friends! It’s time for our annual convention, where collectors from around the world gather to trade their tiny postal treasures. We must prepare our most beautiful and best-arranged collection and show it to the expert crowd. If we do well, we may walk away with the top prize at this year’s Stamp Swap by Paul Salomon from Stonemaier Games.

Star Trek: Away Missions – Commander Scotty: Federation Expansion (Saturday Review)

Aye, let me tell ye, it's nae just another day in the engine room! There we were, mindin' our own business, when a ripple in time itself plucks me and three of me trusted crewmates right out of our own century! Next thing ye know, we're smack dab in the aftermath of the Battle of Wolf 359. We've got to deal w' snarlin' Klingon warriors, Romulan spies and these strange machine-creatures. If that wasn't enough, we’ve got some right-determined Federation teams makin' things difficult. We were right in the middle of one of those Star Trek: Away Missions - Commander Scotty: Federation Expansion by Andrew Haught, Mike Haught and Phil Yates from Gale Force Nine.