Dungeon Champs (Saturday Review)

In the dark and damp tunnels, creatures lurked. Brave heroes dared to venture deep into the labyrinth, hoping to defeat fiends and undead creatures, while avoiding spells. It was a battle to the death and whoever came out victorious would enter the annals of the Dungeon Champs by Matt Garbutt from Outland Entertainment.

Haggis (Saturday Review)

Take some sheep's heart, liver and lungs, mince them together with some chopped onion, oatmeal, suet, spices and salt, mix in some stock and cook it all together in the animal's stomach for about an hour. Add some neeps and tatties and enjoy your Haggis by Sean Ross from Portland Game Collective.

The Six of VIII (Saturday Review)

Passions flamed and power waned. Divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived. First Catherine of Aragon, who had the most time to establish loyal supporters and powerful allies, then Anne Boleyn, queen for less than a year. They were followed by Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Howard and Katherine Parr. These were The Six of VIII by Carol LaGrow from New Mill Industries.

Mysticana: A Foundation Deck (Saturday Review)

The elements are alive in our realm. The water element can douse the deadly flames of the fire element that would otherwise leave behind deeply scorched earth, while the earth element itself has the power to consume the waters of a dozen seas. The three elements are in constant battle, balancing each other out at times in infinite variations of their eternal cycles. Yet none of the three elements can ever reign supreme in the realm of Mysticana: A Foundation Deck by Dustin Dobson and Jamie Thul from Button Shy.

Doomlings: Upgrade Pack (Saturday Review)

Space: an endless void with countless stars, some of which capable of harbouring a planet that can support life. Yadda, yadda, yadda. You already know the spiel. So, without further ado let me introduce the Doomlings: Upgrade Pack by Justus and Andrew Meyer from Doomlings.

Stamp Swap (Saturday Review)

Rejoice, my friends! It’s time for our annual convention, where collectors from around the world gather to trade their tiny postal treasures. We must prepare our most beautiful and best-arranged collection and show it to the expert crowd. If we do well, we may walk away with the top prize at this year’s Stamp Swap by Paul Salomon from Stonemaier Games.

Star Trek: Away Missions – Commander Scotty: Federation Expansion (Saturday Review)

Aye, let me tell ye, it's nae just another day in the engine room! There we were, mindin' our own business, when a ripple in time itself plucks me and three of me trusted crewmates right out of our own century! Next thing ye know, we're smack dab in the aftermath of the Battle of Wolf 359. We've got to deal w' snarlin' Klingon warriors, Romulan spies and these strange machine-creatures. If that wasn't enough, we’ve got some right-determined Federation teams makin' things difficult. We were right in the middle of one of those Star Trek: Away Missions - Commander Scotty: Federation Expansion by Andrew Haught, Mike Haught and Phil Yates from Gale Force Nine.

Give and Take – games with interesting player interaction (Topic Discussion)

I know that some people hate player interaction. They prefer a multi-player solitaire experience, where they are in full control of their destiny. If they win, it's down to how well they played. However, I quite like player interaction, both negative and positive. Being able to form temporary alliances that are eventually broken or having a way of stopping another player from getting too far ahead can be fun for me. So in this article, I want to look at player interaction in a bit more detail.

Looot (Saturday Review)

Our longships were ready to sail. The crew had just completed stowing all provisions and supplies for the long voyage ahead. We needed resources and building materials to develop our fjord and complete our port, altar and jarl palace. But we were not alone. Vikings from other fjords had the same ambition to store up the most riches and be crowned Jarl of the Vikings! It was a race, but we were ready! We were ready to Looot by Charles Chevallier and Laurent Escoffier from Gigamic.

Choo Choo My Friend – from Shikoku 1889 to 1880: China (Topic Discussion)

If you know me, you'll know that I love economic simulation games. I love trading stocks and shares. It feels great when I buy into someone else's company and ride their success to profit. It feels even better when my own company does well and I can take all the gains for myself, because nobody else believed it would do so well. Add to that my love for playing with toy trains and you can see why I'm in love with 18xx games. So allow me, if you will, to take you on a journey of trains, tracks, stations and shares.