Below is the list of people whose support via Ko-Fi or Patreon allows the blog to be financially viable. Everybody’s support is greatly appreciated at whatever tier it may be.

If you can and want to support the blog too, please use the buttons on this page, or find out more on the support page.

Please note: If you want one of your games to be reviewed on the blog in the future, please do NOT provide financial support. The blog’s policy is not to review games from people or companies who paid us.

Thank you,

Diamond Gem logo

Diamond Gems

Diamond Gems sparkle, shine and glitter.

You can be the first to support the blog on Ko-Fi or Patreon at this tier.

Royal Patron icon

Royal Patrons

Our Royal Patrons are highly respected members of the realm of tabletop games. We, the people of tabletop games, are honoured to have them as our supporters and thank these wonderful people:

Magic Champion icon

Magic Champions

With their magical abilities, casting protection and healing spells to keep the tabletop games world safe and well, the following Magic Champions are very special:

  • Jon Risley
Castle Guard icon

Castle Guards

Our Castle Guards are amazing people who protect us from foes:

Dice Master icon

Dice Masters

These Dice Masters always roll natural crits:

Shining Light icon

Shining Lights

These people light the way:

Another huge thank you to all supporters for their trust!

Last updated: 12 September 2024