Games (and Promos) for Sale

Here is a list of board games that I want to pass on to someone else so they can enjoy them. You can find them listed on Board Game Geek Marketplace – just follow the links below. Last updated: 18 February 2025


Here are the board games that I’m very interested in, but haven’t bought so far, either because they’re not available yet or because I’ve not got the money for them. So review copies or donations would be very welcome (hint, hint), but I also happily consider trades.

Recently Played

Not (Yet) Played Games (I Own)

Sorted alphabetically. Last updated: 26 February 2025

Games Due

Here are the board games I ordered, but haven’t received yet, including review copies.
Sorted by expected delivery date, earliest first. Last updated: 26 February 2025

Games I Own

Here are the board games I own. I only list base games, not expansions or promos or similar, and only physical games, but I do include review or prototype copies of games I have been sent.
Sorted alphabetically. Last updated: 26 February 2025

Play With Me Online

I always welcome people inviting me to play a game with them online. However, I can rarely do real-time games, yet turn-based games, where I can take my turn when I want to (within a reasonable timeframe of course), are perfect. I usually take a turn a day during the week, sometimes more, but rarely play over the weekend.

So with all that in mind, here is how you can find me on the various platforms and what games I like to play there.


On Yucata you can find me as oliverkinne and I am open to the following games, turn-based with a turn every day, except for the weekend:

Board Game Arena

I’ve only started using Board Game Arena recently, but you can find me as oliverkinne if you want to play one of the following games with me turn-based, with one turn every 2 days or so to allow for the weekend: