For a lot of seasoned gamers only heavy games with a lot of complexity, many different mechanisms and that last at least two hours are worth playing. If you bring a light game to your weekly games group, chances are it will not be chosen and left on the pile. That is a real shame, because many of the recently released lighter games are a lot of fun and actually more tricky and demanding than you’d think.

Recently I started to play much lighter games with my friends – games that I have previously played with the wider family, who aren’t so much into modern tabletop games – games that are very easy to learn and often very quick to play – games that you could easily include in the party game bracket – games that often come in a small box and don’t take more than 5 minutes to set up.

I would say that most serious tabletop gamers have started with light games, such as Fluxx by Looney Labs Games, Coup by Indie Boards and CardsLove Letter by Z-Man Games or similar. It was a game that they would have enjoyed playing and that may even have been their first taste of modern tabletop games. That would have lead them to other games, possibly boardgames, with a little bit more complexity and different mechanisms that made for a deeper and more thinky gaming experience.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with heavier games. I do enjoy playing something with more depth, more complexity and multiple mechanisms that keep you thinking for a couple of hours. However, I have noticed that we were playing more and more complex games during our weekly games nights and ended up talking less and less. Again, there is nothing specifically wrong with that either. I also enjoy playing games that really draw you in, where you’re engrossed in building a really efficient engine, or where you come up with a really clever strategy that pays off in the end. It’s very satisfying to play these games.

Yet, lighter games offer something else in my view. Here you have games where you don’t have to plan much ahead, don’t have to watch your opponents and react to their moves, and don’t have to constantly weigh up multiple options to try and make the best choice. Lighter games are often more about spontaneous decisions, more about using your instinct, and often about interacting with the other players.

Even very competitive players can enjoy light games – be it for different reasons than they enjoy heavy games for. I played The Mind by Coiledspring Games quite a lot recently, with the wider family over Christmas, my wife and daughter many times since, as well as with a couple of my games nights friends, one of whom is very competitive and loves resource management games, where he clearly excels and is always able to plan ahead and make the effective choices to beat us with a large margin indeed. It usually takes two or more of us to gang up on him to stand a chance of winning.

When I played The Mind with him, he initially showed his competitive side, even though the game is fully co-operative. At first he didn’t want to use any of the throwing stars, because it was like losing points in a competitive game. He also looked at the game as purely a matter of probabilities, but quickly realized that it was a lot about getting into the rhythm of play, and trying to get a feel for how quickly, or slowly, other players were playing their cards.

It took only a few rounds for him to feel the tension building up, and with a lot of laughter he released this tension when we all played a set of very close numbers in the right order. It was his laughter that really suprised me. I realized that it was the first time I heard him laugh during a game – and I mean a really belly laugh, a warm, happy laugh.

Now, as I said before, I have no problem and actually quite enjoy playing heavier games and spending an evening with friends not talking much, but focussing on my strategy. I get great enjoyment out of my strategy working out as planned, or me being able to react successfully to the changing game state. I feel happy when I use my resources well and control a large area on the board to give me lots of points – whether I ultimately win or not.

However, these games never induce laughter – at least not the sort of belly laugh that games like The Mind have produced for my family, my friends and myself. So I think it’s time to give light games a chance and re-discover the joy you used to feel when you first played these sort of games. After all, playing games is about having fun.


    1. There is nothing wrong with heavier games, but it’s good to keep an eye out for lighter games as well. We certainly found that in our weekly games group. Sometimes it’s just nice to play a few lighter games and chat and have fun, than focus on one big heavy game all night.

  1. I’m a gamer who prefers those complex and long games and have always realised that I’m not always going to get to play those games. Not everyone enjoys them, which is fair enough.
    In 2018 I discovered a trio of games that hit a lovely middle ground and those games were: Mini Rails, Tulip Bubble and The Estates. All of them are quick to set up, take at most about 40 minutes to play and really aren’t very complicated rule-wise. However, each one will have the players scratching their heads for the best move to play. They are heavy but in the sense that they have a large, meaty decision space not in the sense that they are long and complex.
    I’ve had great times with those three and they’ve been received well by all the players I’ve shown them to!
    Good article!

    1. Thank you. I’m glad you liked the article. Heavy games are certainly fun and I love playing them, but I think it’s always good to have other games available, and lighter games are often a great way to start an evening, or finish one – or even have a whole evening just playing lighter games. In fact, I think we’ll be playing lighter games all night tonight in our weekly games group – and then go back to a heavier game next week.

  2. Although I have only been playing seriously for just over a year, I have progressed rapidly from gateway games to heavy 2 to 3 hour euros.
    I still love playing all types of games but I wish that my regular groups were more open to lighter games, particularly social deduction games and games where there’s a bit of silliness involved!

    1. Yes, it’s not easy to convince “serious” gamers to play lighter games. It’s a shame, because there is so much fun they miss out on. Luckily our games group is open to all sorts of games. I hope you can convince your group to try a lighter game – maybe just as a warm-up for the evening or something like that.

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